Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hands of Jesus

Acts 4:29-30

This post is coming a bit late in the day, I know. Greg and I drove down to New Orleans yesterday to work a day with our team and will head back early tomorrow morning. The team rose early today, leaving our compound at 6 AM to go and work like dogs until about 2 PM. Let me tell you--they indeed worked like dogs! This is incredibly hard work, and there is such an unbelievable amount that needs to be done. It's hard to believe that Katrina hit nearly one year ago. To be here reminds me of being in a third world country or a war zone.

Be praying for our team. They will return to us on Saturday. I don't know how they can keep up this pace (and they are only half way done).

I did read Acts 4 prior to our early departure, and have been meditating on the above passage. What a great passage. I just want to leave you with this thought--then I need a nap.

As we are obedient to be living testimonies of Jesus Christ, God uses us as the hands of feet of our Savior. We can't worry about those things around us that could keep us from being faithful. We just merely are to be faithful in each situation/opportunity presented to us. We cannot worry about our ability, but know that by our obedience, our testimony becomes that which God has chosen to use to reach the world with His love.

Somehow, as our team in New Orleans works like dogs, God is using them to bring the healing encouragement of the Father that is only available through the Son. I'm so proud to watch them--sweat and dirt from head to toe--hugging the hopeless, serving the helpless, and loving the godless. Jesus is the answer, and by their obedience God is able to reach out and touch someone with the hands of Jesus.

May we all live lives obedient unto to Him who called us and saved us. May He shine through us.