Colossians 3:17
My prayer for you today is that through our summer study God has brought you to a full understanding of what it means to be a true worshiper. I don't know that that is a place we will ever arrive this side of heaven, but such must be the longing of our hearts as disciples--to be a true worshiper. The simple little devotional we've been using for our summer is called, "Please God." Notice there is no comma between the two title words; this is not a plea to God. The title is a play on words.
Too often our lives as Christians are summed up by "Please, God, do this...please, God, do that..." Listen--God doesn't exist to please us; we exist to please God. To be a true worshiper is to please God. My prayer is that such a mindset would saturate our thinking as we begin to come around the homestretch of our study on worship.
To please God is not to check off your church attendance. To please God is not to check off your to-do list of religiosity. To please God is to connect all the dots of life to worshiping Him. It takes determination. It takes perseverance. It takes humility and repentance. It takes constant reminders. It takes conformity in all areas of life to the will of God. What it doesn't take is the attitude of, "Well, I hope I get something out of the service this Sunday." Listen, you get out what you put in! If you're not putting in during the week, your Sunday time of Family worship will let you down every week. Alright, I've left devotionalizing and gone to meddling. I'll save that for Sunday! For now, I'd encourage to read Colossians 3:1-17 in light of our emphasis on living a life of worship.