Psalm 36:7-9
Throughout our week at Falls Creek, I was given the opportunity to have some alone time to reflect on the love of God. It truly is amazing, the love of the Father for His children--especially me! This particular passage really speaks to me. In fact, we reflected on this as we knelt and prayed and focused ourselves at the outset of our worship time yesterday.
His love is refuge. Jesus wept outside Jerusalem because he longed to gather the people like a mother hen gathers her brood (Matthew 23:37-39). They wouldn't have it, because they did not belong to Him. We, however, who are His through the faith-gift, have the shadow of His wings for protection. That is the place of rest. That is the place of provision and protection. That is the very best place!
From the shadow of His wings of love we are provided the "abundance of His house". The riches of the Kingdom are ours when He is the King. When we drink from the "river of His delights", we become like trees producing endless fruit (Psalm 1:3). Our roots grow deep and strong. Our branches grow high and thick. He is the "fountain of life". He is not the icing on the cake. He is not the sprinkles on top. He is the center of who we are. He is the source of who we are. Our lives flow from Him. We have no life apart from Him.
The wings of protection. The river of delights. The fountain of life. All this through the love of God that is steadfast. His love is consistent. His love is patient. His love is determined. His love is merciful. His love is faithful. His love is strong, and it is for you and I--we who hope in Him. We need not wonder about it. We need not ever doubt it. We need only to dwell within it.
How precious is your steadfast love, O God!