Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jesus Is Still Working...What About You?

Acts 1:1-2

"...I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach..."


"...I have dealt with all that Jesus did and taught..."

When Jesus said "It is finished" He was not speaking of His work in the world. When Jesus ascended to the right hand of God His concern with earthly things did not cease. There is no finis in the story of Immanuel. Christ Jesus is still alive today. Our Lord is still at work today. God is still with us in the person of the Son, calling people to Himself, restoring, healing, touching, changing. The history of Jesus did not end when He was taken was the end of the beginning.

Jesus is still at work today. He works through His people by the power of the Holy Spirit. He still is doing and teaching through the Spirit; His work continues in and through those who call Him Lord and Master...King Jesus. As Luke penned an account of what He did and taught prior to His ascension, he picked up part 2 (Acts) and penned what Jesus continued to do through His people by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is still at work today. The book of Acts is an open book. Luke wrote all that he witnessed, and then stopped writing. We continue to write Acts everyday...we who call Jesus "King". What will the history of the Spirit's work in this world through the lives of Christ's people have to say about you?