Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Will Someone Please Turn On The Fan?

2 Timothy 1:3-7

I wasn't very consistent with the blogs last week. Sorry. It was one of those weeks with many heart struggles. I determined this morning to get back in the saddle. I'm reminded what Paul told Timothy--"fan into flame the gift of God." He didn't say "pray about it". He said to do it. I think part of the problem is that my personal time with God (aka quiet times) have slowly and subtly turned into finding-something-for-the-blog time. So, I'm determining to seek God and journal it--which was the original purpose of this blog.

Have you ever had those times? You know, when you feel just sort of cold and lifeless spiritually? When your Bible study doesn't seem very fruitful? When your prayers seem to not make it past the ceiling? When your going hard after God is just unmotivated?

I think sometimes we tend to blame that on many different things, all of them wrong. We might blame it on God, believing that He is far away (I also read Psalm 145:14-20 this morning--check it out). We might blame it on others--those who have treated us badly or not paid enough attention to us or who have stressed us out or who have not done what we wanted or whatever. You might even blame the pastor. I mean, someone must be responsible.

And yet, Scripture seems to teach us that we personally have the responsibility to seek the Lord. Scripture promises us that if and when we do, we will find the Father. (See James 4:7-10)

I can barey begin to comprehend the struggles that caused Timothy's fire to cool off. We get a bit of an idea reading the two letters. He was ready to give up. Due to the struggles, his heart had grown so dull that Paul even had to remind him that he really was saved (v. 5). Then he said, "fan into flame the gift of God which is in you."

Can I be honest with just the few of you who read this blog? This week, I'm trying to fan the flame. Pray for me as I pray for you, that passion for God will burn in our hearts.

Love ya.