Friday, October 06, 2006

Big God

Sorry I'm so late and have been absent since Wednesday. I upgraded the blog to a newer version and have been having trouble getting logged in. I may have to follow the crowd and switch to WordPress. Anyway...

Amos 4:13

As we prepare for Sunday, I am meditating on how great our God is. Nothing is beyond His grasp. He knows our thoughts. He rules the world. All creation is His playground. How great is our God!

I pray that in preparation for Sunday, God is causing our hearts to contemplate His greatness; that as we gather together it will be an experience of awe, wonder, expectation, and deliverance in His presence; that the Holy Spirit will fill and inspire and convict and direct; that Christ will be lifted high and exalted as King and Savior. Worship is a privilege we far too often neglect--even though we attend the services.

May God show Himself mightily in this place!