About as soon as Paul seemingly covers all the things we should and shouldn't do, he then begins to meddle in the intricate details of our lives. Verse 17, which at first glance strikes us as merely a simple summary statement, is taken to levels which prove that none of us have yet to encounter true discipleship because none of us have mastered the truth that "Christ is all" in every area of life. For example...
- In the marriage relationship: Has Christ been all at every moment of this week as you have related to your spouse. Submission? Harshness? Absolute Christ-like pursuit of our wives and Church-like service to our husbands?
- In the parental relationship: Have we perfectly honored our parents? Have we been pastors to our children? Has there been complete obedience and encouragement in everything?
- In the work relationship: Have we sincerely and fearfully worked heartily or did we play even one round of solitaire on our computers while on the clock? Good and bad masters will get what they deserve--but so will good and bad employees! Employers, have you treated your employees with absolute fairness?
How can we pursue such living? Well, again, we can't form a list of legalistic do's and don'ts. If we do, the heart will eventually be left on the side of the road and our pursuit will become mere duty--the very thing we are fighting against right now. But, Paul gives us an idea of how we can continue a fresh encounter of the beauty of Christ; such that will keep us moving toward a life where Christ is all. We'll get there next week.