Acts 17:1-4
"...and some of them were persuased."
Paul was reasoning with mostly Jews. Most of these Jews understood (misunderstood) the Law and Prophets to be pointing toward a Messiah of political stature. One who would conquer Rome and deliver the Jews back to the soveriegn rule of God. There is no way that one who was murdered--on a cross no less--could ever measure up to their idea of Messiah. Paul, no doubt one of the greatest of Christian philosophers and evangelists ever, reasoned with them from the Scriptures about the necessity for Messiah to die and resurrect. This necessity was realized in Jesus the Christ or Messiah.
Can you imagine having Paul throw down on you? Could you imagine Paul standing in our pulpit and preaching some Sunday? Wouldn't you think the whole congregation would be mesmerized? Wouldn't you expect that every lost person present would "get saved" twice over? I mean, he would rock the house! Right?
"And SOME of them were persuaded..." Paul didn't bat .1000. Neither are we expected to bat .1000! We're not expected as Christians to convince everyone that Jesus is the Christ. What is expected of us is to try.
I'm intrigued with that word persuaded. "And some of them were PERSUADED." That word carries with it a sense of effort. Paul's conversation didn't go like this: "Would you like to pray and recieve Christ?" "No." "Well, O.K. Have a nice day." It went more like this: "What do you think about Jesus?" "Well, I think he was a crazy nut with a messiah-complex who was crucified along with the scum of the earth. He was no leader. He was definitely no king." "Well, let me show you what Scripture says (and oh, I'll just use my pocket Old Testament because the New Testament hasn't been written yet). Turn to and read with me Isaiah 53. Now, let me tell you what I saw with my own eyes--right before I became temporarily blinded on a road to Damascus."
Fear of rejection. Fear of lacking knowledge or answers. Fear of failure. These, apparently, are the reasons we fail to share the Gospel. Well, let me tell you. You and I will be rejected. Only "some" will respond in faith to Messiah's salvation. But you and I also need to be ready to persuade. We live in a day that most folks will not simply accept a free offer. There's always strings attached. Most today will not just accept an ancient story about someone who was murdered for no apparent reason--and then rose from the grave..."are you kidding?" We'll write them off, call them sinners, and preach their demise by judgement. What they need are people who love them enough to persuade them from the Scriptures that what has happened to us is real and is available to them--free of charge.
Oh, and yes, there are some strings attached. In exchange for filthy rags you recieve abundant life starting right now!
Who needs persuasion today? I'm heading right now to the hospital to persuade my friend Harold.