Wednesday, June 28, 2006

With My Whole Heart

Psalm 111:1

As a church, we have been learning now for two weeks about worship and the indelible connection it has with every part of life. Worship is life, and not a weekly routine. All of life is an act of worship. Some things in our life need to be removed for they are sinful hindrances to our worshiping lives. Some things in our life need to be "baptized"; they are not sinful in and of themselves but need to be redirected as God-ward acts rather than selfish acts of service.

Worship is life; it is a never-ending private act. But, worship is also something we do corporately. There is a priority given in Scripture to the public, congregational worship service. There is something to coming together with other believers in a corporate act of exalting and praising God. The corporate time of worship is the fruit of praise overflowing from our individual experiences of God throughout the week. I look forward every week to coming together with my church family and celebrating what God has done in and through our lives and recieving a challenge to experience more of what God has to offer between this Sunday and next. I need that corporate time.

"I will give thanks to the Lord WITH MY WHOLE HEART, in the company of the upright, in the congregation."

Here's the rub. We cannot worship God corporately with our WHOLE hearts if our life has remained detached and disconnected from worship throughout the week. When our life is disconnected from God throughout the week, we have then made Sunday merely a ritual we do in order to check the worship box off of our list of religious duties. At that point, we have then circumvented the whole process and purpose of worship which in turn causes the Lord to see our lives of religiosity as burdens which He is weary of bearing (Isaiah 1:11-15).

Let's prepare our hearts for a magnificent time of corporate worship this Sunday by committing every part of our lives to acts of worship to our King between Sundays. The Psalmist was resolute about his commitment (I WILL give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart...).

Last Sunday was indeed a magnificent time of corporate worship, wasn't it? No doubt, it was due the fact that each of us are changing the way we view our worship. I'm so grateful that all of us are growing together in seeking to connect with God in a deeper and more profound way.