Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Great Works of the Lord

Psalm 111:2

In your opinion, how great are the works of God? If you were to recount the wonder of God in your life, what would you include? Start with the "little" things...the blessing of your family, your home, your church, your job, a day about your Sunday School class, your LIFEgroup, your about a new morning, a beautiful sunrise, the trees and mountains and lakes and beaches...think about the wild animals, the sea creatures, the birds in the air...even photosynthesis, metamorphisis, or the sound of a new born crying...

Let's think a little deeper. How about the blessings of fresh-every-day mercies from God, the cross, free grace, salvation...

How great are the works of God? From every leaf on a tree to every hair on your head, God's signature has been signed. The works of God, no doubt, are vast and broad and cover everything that touches your life.

While verse 1 helped us to reflect on corporate worship, this verse points us to the life of worship--without which corporate worship is impossible. The life of worship is one which always keeps perspective; the worshiping life always remembers that the works of God encompass everything in life, delighting in them to the point that they are "studied." I think that word studied means that perspective is always kept. The worshiping life is constantly lived from the perspective of God's greatness upon all things.

How would that perspective change the way you live and work and play today? That perspective would consecrate everything unto God, wouldn't it? That perspective would seek God's glory in everything. That perspective would transform our entire lives into an act of worship.

Read it again, and realize the emphatic statement the psalmist makes: Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them. Do you delight in the great works of the Lord?