Friday, June 30, 2006

Splendor and Majesty and Righteousness

Psalm 111:3

The literal translation of that first phrase is "Splendor and majesty is his work." In all that God does, each work or act is full of splendor and majesty. In creation, in providence, in redemption--the splendor and majesty of God radiates.

"And his righteousness endures forever." That means "it will be found upon investigating every area of God's work that he is unchangeably righteous and just." No mistakes. No abuse. No unneccesary acts of meaninglessness. Every act of God radiates splendor and majesty and accomplishes His perfect will in the execution of each and every intra-global and inter-cosmic concern--from the beating of our hearts to the placement of the stars.

Now that is a worshiping heart! That is the heart of one who has learned to view every part of life as an act of worship! It's a heart that seeks to see everything from God's perspective of perfect redemption and not man's own logic.

You know, it takes a great deal of faith to see things from God's perspective of perfect redemption. Not everything appears to be perfect. There are many things that definitely do not take place the way we think they should. So, to view all of life as an act of worship requires great faith. It requires vulnerability. We must make ourselves vulnerable to God, knowing that his righteousness endures does not lapse momentarily just for us. Everything God does is perfect and just from His perspective of perfect redemption.

The life of worship is a life lived in great anticipation of God's perfect redemption; and be sure of this--it is coming. You cannot live a worshiping life and be consumed merely with the anticipation of those things which will dissipate in the fire of God's redemption. The worshiping life is a life of great faith in a perfect God who acts in every molecule of oxygen to bring about His perfect plan of redemption--and to that end we must live our lives, worshiping Him who will bring us to such redemption.