"...and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."
We often look at this passage with much appreciation for the practices of that first church. Though through the centuries the traditions of worship have ever-evolved into many differing indigenous flavors, some of the aspects found in Acts 2:42-47 continue to be the height to which we aim as we seek to be a vibrant expression of the visible church.
There was partnership, participation, power, and productivity found in this first church at Pentecost (sound like a four-point sermon?). There was worship, discipleship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship; it is wise for us to keep an eye firmly placed on the dynamics of the ancient church.
One thing I hope we never overlook, however, is the impression of this church upon the community. They were not a sub-culture or anit-culture; they made lasting impressions on all the people. Because of such cultural impact, there were those being saved day-by-day!
Andrew Murray, the well known missionary/pastor of the late 19th century, once wrote,
"Christ was the revelation of the Father on earth...
Believers are the revelation of Christ on earth...
We are His representatives, His revelation to the
world that Christ loves us with an infinite love..."
Believers are the revelation of Christ on earth...
We are His representatives, His revelation to the
world that Christ loves us with an infinite love..."
Day-by-day evangelism doesn't happen if all we do is wait for Sunday's invitation, hoping that someone will walk the aisle. Day-by-day evangelism happens when believers live as Christ's representatives, attesting to the fact that God loves us with an infinite love. Let's live lives that reveal Christ today! Let's not seclude ourselves from culture, but rather impact the culture around us. Let's have favor with this whole community by loving them, serving them, and taking Jesus to them.