Psalm 46:10
In an hour I will leave, along with our Director of Missions, for Oklahoma City. We have an appointment today with a few of the big dogs at the BGCO to present a three-year evangelism plan for our Association. We are asking the BGCO to partner with us financially--subastantially! It looks as if all systems are go; today is just a formality.
Part of our discussions today will include the Hispanic Mission plant our church is overseeing. I know the BGCO is excited about it. I know our DOM is excited about it. I know the Hispanic population is excited about it. I pray our church will get excited about. The success of this mission, as others with experience have told me, is our consistent presence. We need missionaries from our church to give their lives to this mission plant. We need several of our members to give up the comforts of familiarity and go to a Spanish speaking church to teach children's classes (the kids speak English) and to drive a van and pick up these precious folks, among whom few drive. Several of our members have begun to be burdened about it. Please be praying for them--and for all of us. What an opportunity God has placed in our laps!
We've talked alot about missions the past several years. The above passage of Scripture has been our theme verse. Missions is always successful, because God promises He will be exalted among the nations. As we have made great efforts to be the vessel through which He could be glorified among those whom have never heard (in two years...3 trips to Africa, 1 trip to Mexico, 1 trip to New Orleans, many "home" mission experiments) we have seen something unique happening in our little community. Something you would expect in NYC or even Tulsa. But now, God has brought the nations to us! A non-english speaking culture with no evangelical church seeking to take to them the Gospel, right here in little ol' Sallisaw.
God may just be calling you to the mission field--and you don't even have to leave home or quit your job! What an opportunity!