Friday, September 22, 2006

She Began to Serve Them

Mark 1:29-34

The thing that strikes me about this passage is the reaction of Simon Peter's mother-in-law. How would you respond to Jesus' working in your life? What do you think should have been her first order of business.

Jesus told many he healed to not tell anyone--yet they did. Lepers ran to see their families, the blind were caught up with sights that matched the familiar sounds and smells. The raised up dead were probably mobbed by loved ones. Let us not forget that in at least one instance, Jesus told a man what to do--go to the cheif priest and offer "the gift that Moses required."

It is so easy for us, in our exuberance over Christ's blessing, to simply believe that our excitement about Jesus is all He really wants in return; that if as long as we have a "yippee-ky-yeah" attitude and occassionally tell people how nice Jesus is that we have "repayed Jesus."

"She began to serve them." How did she serve them? It doesn't say exactly. I'm sure she got them a drink and a snack and a place to rest. She also opened her home to all the sick and demon possessed. Her service and hospitality provided an opportunity for Jesus to heal a whole lot of folk.

All in all, I think she realized that Jesus did not heal her for her own sake but for His glorification! Let us not be so selfish to think that whenever Jesus works in our life it is just because He loves us so much. He does, but He works primarily that His glory might shine and be exalted. His work in our life is our opporunity for Him to be glorified in and through us!