Thursday, September 21, 2006


Mark 1:21-28

The Son exposes. I think that is what is meant by the amazing teaching authority of Jesus. The illustrative example Mark gives is that Jesus rebuked an evil Spirit, to which the reply of the people was, "What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him."

What got the attention of the people at their first glimpse of Christ was his authoritative teaching. He did not teach them like one of the scribes who were the regular academicians for the people of Israel; he taught them differently--namely, he called evil evil and rebuked it!

The scribes and the Pharisees were busy imposing religious rules on the people; they were busy with keeping the outside of the glass "clean". These are the heavy burdens Jesus refers to when He says, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." There was something restful in the authoritative teaching of Jesus. Does that sound odd to you? In a day when the style of psychological cheerleading in the pulpit is praised and honest exposition of Scripture which all points to the supremacy of Christ in vanquishing the sin problem is put down as unloving, non-relevant, and a nuisance?

When we allow Christ to sift through the crevaces of our lives and expose our deepest fleshly needs, it draws us closer to Him; in our souls we are reminded of how much we are in need of a Savior, how dependent we are upon Jesus' righteousness. When we miss out on that authority we become ever so self-dependent, buying the lie about our own goodness and self-worth.

Don't reject the authority of Jesus in the expounding of His Word. Don't allow pride to convince you that such is unloving, mean-spirited, judgmental, non-relevant, too deep, and a nuisance. Allow the Son to expose every nook and cranny so that all the more Christ can be supreme in all of life!